Having free health care at the point of entry is something envied by people around the world. (Others would need to see it to believe it!)
When you consider that almost 50 million people in the US (equivalent to almost the entire British population) don't have the necessary health insurance required to pay for medical treatment, you realise how lucky people in the UK really are.
Not surprisingly however, the NHS is constantly underfunded.
Of course by definition, if you provide a service for free, the potential demand will be infinite!
Clearly the NHS will always be underfunded.
The question will always remain, by how much and where should any additional funding be coming from?
The answer goes to the very heart of the issue of how the political system currently works.
As a way to move the NHS forwards, the British government has recently imposed a series of 'targets' to help ensure an improving service is being provided to all patients.
The result has been enormous pressure being placed on staff and management to achieve these targets in order to 'stay in business'.
Overall, there have been improvements but even though targets are a good idea, what the NHS really needs now is more money.
The problems of more expensive technology, an ageing population and higher expectations are not going to be solved by setting targets alone. Someone has to pay for this and that someone is...
... You!
But at the moment no political party has the incentive to raise taxes to pay for improved public services. Why?
Because people don't want to pay higher taxes for improved public services.
Consider that statement for a moment...
People... don't want... to pay... higher taxes... for improved public services.
First, ask yourself if you agree with the premise of this argument? Second, are you one of those people?
I believe your answers to each of these questions are most likely to be 'yes' and 'probably not'.
The current state of British (and any other) politics is to essentially offer the choice of either higher or lower taxes.
This puts the voter in a conveniently awkward situation: they can vote for lower taxes, knowing they will be better off, at the expense of others.
What's worse, the decreasing voter turnout in British elections means that 40% of the British popualation (myself included) never get their voices heard.
Is it really fair for 30% of the population to be represented by people offering the false hope of a 'low tax' economy, when this leads to the situation of a increasingly underfunded NHS?
Once the 40% silent minority becomes 51%, it will signal a time for change in British politics. Maybe this could usher in a new generation of politics that stands for what people truly want.