Monday, January 01, 2007

Paris: a higher calorie Tokyo

Japanese are famous for taking something and improving on it. They did it with Paris.

And now I know why.

So many details of Paris are replicated in Tokyo, only with a (sometimes not so) slight improvement.

Below are a some examples:

-- Tokyo's underground is designed similarly to Paris, only much more modern; there is no English version for the French announcer, no information about where you can change at the next station;

-- Tokyo's 'Champs Elysees' is smaller, so made to look more exclusive;

-- Japanese people are as proud of their culture, only less arrogant!;

-- Japanese food is just as tasty, only much healthier!

To visit Paris you understand what inspired many of the details you find in Tokyo.

So if you ever decide to visit Tokyo, visit Paris first.

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